SB 8.10.4


tataḥ sura-gaṇāḥ sarve
sudhayā pītayaidhitāḥ
pratisaṁyuyudhuḥ śastrair


tatah—thereafter; sura-ganah—the demigods; sarve—all of them; sudhaya—by the nectar; pītayā—which had been drunk; edhitah—being enlivened by such drinking; pratisaṁyuyudhuḥ—they counterattacked the demons; sastraih—by regular weapons; nārāyaṇa-pada-asrayah—their real weapon being shelter at the lotus feet of Nārāyaṇa. 


Thereafter, being enlivened because of drinking the nectar, the demigods, who are always at the shelter of the lotus feet of Nārāyaṇa, used their various weapons to counterattack the demons in a fighting spirit. 

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